It has now been arranged!! We are going to finally have the kickoff of our GCU reminisces series. As planned, the Classes of 1945 to 1955 are commencing the process. We shall hear the famous Mr PETER ENAHORO (Class of …
It has now been arranged!! We are going to finally have the kickoff of our GCU reminisces series. As planned, the Classes of 1945 to 1955 are commencing the process. We shall hear the famous Mr PETER ENAHORO (Class of …
A past President of Nigeria Institute of Architects (NIA) and former President of Africa Union of Architects (AUA), it is two years since Arc. Charles Majoroh of GCU 1959 Class took over the mantle of leadership of Government College U …
The January 2020 Founder’s Day and Reunion marked the 75th Anniversary of the founding of Government College Ughelli. The Class of 1970 also celebrated its 50th anniversary of admission into GCU with the spectacular renovation and upgrading of the School …
The Class of 1995 reactivated the water supply facility in front of the Hockey Field. The renovated and improved facility was inaugurated in December 2020 by HRM King Duku II, the Orovworere of EffurunOtor Kingdom, himself an Old Boy, assisted …
The Class of January 1991 undertook to renovate the Library Block during the year 2020. Aside the repair of cracked portions of the physical structure, the Class replaced all five external wooden doors with iron doors, all 21 wooden windows …
The Class of 1971 as part of their celebration of 50 years on admission into GCU undertook the renovation of the Sports Pavilion. Aside the repairs of the structure and painting, the Class affixed stadium seats, a perimeter fence and …
The year began with great fanfare and high expectation. Little did anyone realize that the year 2020 was going to turn out to be an extraordinary and extremely difficult year! In March 2020, Covid-19 pandemic outbreak reared its ugly head …
The Lagos Branch, of which he was a member, organized an Evening of Tributes. And, was a dedicated Ancient Mariner in soul and spirit. The event held at the Harbour Point Event Centre in Victoria Island, Lagos and attracted distinguished …
The passing of Professor John Pepper Clark-Bekederemo on October 13, 2020, struck a tear nerve in many an old boy. JP Clark, a quintessential Ancient Mariner whose true value to the GCUOBA Worldwide family is unquantifiable, was regular at old …